For all skin type.
100% water-based, non-comedogenic, and hypo-allergenic, this moisturizing toner for all skin types filters remaining impurities from the previous cleansing step while balancing the skin's pH level to maximize the benefits of the next products in line. Enhanced with Aloe Vera Concentrate, Hyaluronic Acid and Oxygen Molecules to provide below-the-surface hydration while energizes dull and tired skin.
- 適合任何皮膚,隨時隨地即時補充水分、氧分
- 多功能的平衡補水肌底液
- 平衡皮膚酸鹼(pH)
- 呵護抗菌、降紅、抗炎
- 令肌膚即時亮澤、水嫰、通透舒適
Deionized Water, Hyaluronic Acid, Oxygen Molecules, Amino Acids, Aloe Vera Concentrate, Betaine, Sorbic Acid.
特別係易出油, 暗瘡皮膚, 又或者易污糟嘅朋友:
建議大家日間可以咁做 - 喺你個beauty bag入面帶定幾塊薄棉花, middle of the day(通常食完lunch)將棉花用INUF Makeup and Sunscreen Remover整濕, 抹面, 印乾, 再噴上呢隻mist, 再補防曬, or如果需要補埋妝亦可以。
呢個小動作,對於油性暗瘡色斑敏感膚質有著好大幫助, 除咗可以暢通毛孔, 令皮膚底層即時補水, 仲可以將面上過多嘅油份抹去。如果你好似我一樣, 唔洗搽粉又唔會有出好多面油, 就只係需要日間得閒就噴下, make sure塊面係時刻水潤就very good good good㗎啦!!
Remove cap and spray onto cleansed and dry skin. Pat dry to allow the toner to be fully absorbed by the skin.
(1) 於潔面後作平衡液 :
把適量分量噴在面上, 輕拍面部,作平衡及補水令肌膚時刻清爽舒適。
(2)隨時隨地作保濕及定妝使用 :
把噴嘴朝面部把產品噴到皮膚表面,於需要加強保濕或定妝前後時使用,有效令肌膚瞬間水漾及令彩妝更亮麗貼服.最正嘅係呢一個噴噴係可以spray喺化咗妝嘅面上, 因為佢嘅分子好細, 就算面上有D咩都可以進入到肌底做補水~
For external use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Store away from heat and light. Conduct sensitive skin test before use. In the unlikely event of sensitivity, rinse off and consult a physician. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, consult your physician before use. Once opened, best used within 9 months.