An ultra-nourishing, highly soothing and protecting serum formulated for dry and sensitive skin. This hypoallergenic formulation is naturally derived from plant-based lipids to calm and desensitize the skin. The components of this serum are highly identical to the lipid protective substances found on our skin surface, thereby fortifying our protective layer to create a suitable environment that allows the skin to slowly heal, thereby preventing the worsening of conditions like dryness, sensitivity, or symptoms associated with eczema and psoriasis. The ingredients also have anti-oxidizing properties to delay aging and smoothen skin as it protects.
- Pregnancy & Breastfeeding friendly
- Made with Love
- Cruelty free
- Recyclable packaging
- Vegan ingredients
- Free from Toxins, Silicone, Chemical Fillers, Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Parabens, GMO, Artificial fragrance and colorings, Sodium laurel sulfate, Phthalates, Petroleum
- Best used within 9 months after opening
Made in USA | 15mle
含有橄欖及牛油果提取物,適合極度乾涸、敏感、脆弱肌膚。 特別為乾性敏感及脆弱皮膚而設,為肌膚提供極緻滋潤,此不致敏配方是從天然植物提取出的脂質而製成,主要促進肌膚修復及即時安撫皮膚。配方內的脂質成份與皮脂結構物質相當吻合,用於皮膚表面能強化皮膚的天然修復屏障,且締造讓肌膚自我修復的理想環境。更有效防止乾涸、脫皮、濕疹或牛皮癣等問題惡化,可與醫生處方的藥物結合一同使用。更具有抗氧化功效,能為皮膚抗敏同時抵抗衰老。
Ceramides, Trilinolein, Glycosphingolipids, Cholesterol, Squalane.
如果有上過嚟INUF Skin Spa做Soothe Treatment, 其中用嚟做面部按摩嘅INUF PRO精華,正正就係呢一支serum. 呢支植物角磷脂精華,適合超乾,敏感同埋脆弱皮膚使用,例如係成日覺得皮膚好缺水,乾到甩皮什至流血,痕癢泛紅,面上成日爆微絲血管,被濕疹或牛皮癣問題困擾,美容院做完laser或任何光療後等人士用。
配方含有天然橄欖+牛油果提取物,裹頭嘅脂質成份同人體皮脂結構物質極度吻合,我哋皮膚最外層最表面嘅layer正正係皮脂膜,亦即係我哋嘅第一度防線,本身係一層與生俱來嘅防衛屏,幫皮膚鎖水補濕,防止外來物質傷害皮膚,但通常乾性皮膚/敏感受損皮膚嘅皮脂膜入面嘅細胞間質流失,令皮脂膜受損,咁就會有以上提及嘅皮膚問題發生~ 所以如果皮膚好乾,或敏感到出現各種狀況,Plant-based Lipids可以即時安撫皮膚嘅不適,而且同時修補以及滋潤皮脂層,當不適狀況得以鎮定舒緩,乾燥感、痕癢泛紅狀況等就會退去。
我自己本身膚質係naturally乾嘅,所以有時特別最近轉天氣,feel到皮膚突然好乾,我都會用上呢一支Lipids Serum,texture比一般精華液厚身,但唔會有"笠"或者好heavy嘅感覺,反而係感到非常滋潤同pampering~ 前陣子自己嘅免疫系統出咗DD問題,突然患上幾日"乾燥症"!! (其實當時真係嚇鬼死朕同老爺,無啦啦有幾日乾到個口冇口水分泌直奔養和,要服用大量"假口水",塊面仲突發爆乾至我成世人第一次成條蛇咁勁甩皮!!!) 但耐性虛心地每個早晚用Lipids Serum輕力按摩,再努力用上最nourishing嘅routine,我3日已經冇晒事,連覆診時醫生都問我點解可以好得咁快~ 於是我就決定要將呢支咁好嘅serum帶到INUF retail系列,讓同時有乾燥或敏感問題困擾嘅早餐會友可以用。
用法又係好簡單,如果怕厚身(其實只要dissolve咗於皮膚表面後真係一D厚身感都冇!)可以溝落INUF B5 Balancing Serum用,溝到自己最喜歡嘅texture再搽上面就OK~ 早晚都可以用,晚上更加一定要用多DD,等瞓覺嘅時候皮脂膜乖乖的修復去~
*會長私人tip屎用法:* 夜晚洗面tonerB5後,用2包B5 Gel Mask / Yuzu Mask厚敷15分鐘,抺乾淨後再次tonerB5, 全面搽4泵Nourishing Essence, 2滴Plant-based Lipids Serum+少許意一堂外敷真珠蜜粉 +少少 Olive Smoothing Cream / Refreshing Gel + 1滴Miracle Oil,全部溝勻按摩全面直至完全吸收,your skin will thank you for doing this
For very dry and sensitive skin:
After cleansing, toning, and using INUF B5 Balancing Serum, massage 1-2 drops of Plant-based Lipids Repairing Serum into specified area until fully absorbed, then follow with any INUF moisturizer to nourish the skin.
For dry to normal skin:
After cleansing, toning and using INUF B5 Balancing Serum, blend 1-2 drops of Plant-based Lipids Repairing Serum into any INUF moisturizer and mix well, then smooth onto skin in an upward circular motion until fully absorbed.
於潔面、平衡液、及使用INUF B5精華後,取1至2滴塗上有需要的位置,然後使用INUF鎖水產品,鎖住水份滋潤皮膚。
於潔面、平衡液、及使用INUF B5精華後,取1至2滴產品與任何INUF鎖水產品混合,然後以向上打圈手勢塗上皮膚至全面吸收。
For external use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Store away from heat and light. Conduct sensitive skin test before use. In the unlikely event of sensitivity, rinse off and consult a physician. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, consult your physician before use. Once opened, best used within 9 months.