Continue your sensory journey with this naturally scented body lotion after an effervescent shower. Simply smooth the lotion onto clean and tower-dried skin in a slow and massaging motion, moisturize your skin while massage away stress and tension. Allow the product to fully absorb and be reminded of how pampered and confident you feel. Smile to yourself, one more time. Apply it before you head out the door to transform your morning commute into a worldly, calming experience; or before you go to bed for a relaxing, rewarding sleep after a long and hectic day.
"INUF Aroma Healing -
The use of natural aromatic botanicals for psychological and physical well-being"
LEMON: Lemon oil has long been respected for its ability to lift the spirits, and is often recommended for stress-related fatigue. It is believed to increase awareness and eliminate emotional confusion. It is also known for spring-cleaning the mind and enhancing mental performance and memory function.
SAGE: Sage was known as a 'sacred herb' by the ancient Romans to invigorate the mind and body. It can be mentally stimulating and can help people to cope with grief, depression and mental fatigue. It is also great for calming nervous exhaustion, quickening the senses and aiding memory.