A citrus-derived high concentration extract of L-Ascorbic Acid to brighten, anti-oxidize, and enhance collagen growth of the skin. L-Ascorbic Acid is the only form of Vitamin C that can be absorbed and utilized by the skin to combat free radical damage as well as naturally lighten skin tone; it is also a vital component for collagen synthesis to provide firmness and suppleness to the skin. This oil-stabilized formula is suitable to be used on dry to normal skin, effectively brightening the skin without causing an over-drying sensation.
*For sensitive and acne skins, please refrain from using product.
*NOT suitable for pregnant and nursing women.
- Made with Love
- Cruelty free
- Recyclable packaging
- Vegan ingredients
- Free from Toxins, Silicone, Chemical Fillers, Mineral Oil, Alcohol, Parabens, GMO, Artificial fragrance and colorings, Sodium laurel sulfate, Phthalates, Petroleum
- Best used within 6 months after opening
Made in USA | 15mle
12% L-Ascorbic Acid, Mixed Tocopherols, Squalane.
呢一支Nano Vit C精華適合面色暗沉什至面黃、冇乜神彩、 開始衰老、有斑有印、皺紋細紋、面珠向下垂(sagging)嘅問題皮膚使用,但前提必須係閣下皮膚唔易敏感,而且冇太大暗瘡問題先可以使用。(如果有敏感/暗瘡, 但又有以上提及嘅各樣問題,我會建議你tackle咗敏感/暗瘡先,再慢慢去處理其他問題,一層一層去搞,切勿過分緊張心急,because you always want to work with mother nature!)
有人會話,好怕用維他命C產品,因為之前試過用到皮膚好乾什至敏感!首先大家要注意,你手上用緊嘅維C產品,其實除咗維C之外仲包含咗D咩其他成分。市面有D可能唔係純維C,又可能什至不含左旋C (L-Ascorbic Acid),而好多更加冇配合到最靚嘅滋潤成分去中和產品。我哋嘅配方nothing tricky,而且極度clean,只係得三種最高質嘅元素:12% L-Ascorbic Acid, Mixed Tocopherols, Squalane. 即係12%濃度嘅左旋C、維他命E同鯊烷,美白同時可以溫和地滋潤皮膚。
用法好簡單,早晚都可以使用,洗面toner後,首先必須用上我哋嘅B5 Balancing Serum幫皮膚補充水分,之後滴1-2滴呢支維他命C serum落適合你膚質嘅moisturizer到,溝勻後moisturizer會稀變水狀,再輕輕搽上面就OK,日間記得一定要搽防曬啊~
- AM: Create the ultimate whitening serum blend
洗面toner搽B5後,2滴Geisha AM + 2滴維他命C serum + 4泵Nourishing Essence,全部溝埋一齊按摩搽面,之後先按照皮膚當日狀態而搽either Olive Smoothing Cream或者Refreshing Gel, 日間一定要搽防曬~
- PM: Create the ultimate whitening moisturizer
洗面toner, exfoliate搽B5後,再Sandalwood Mask / Silk Mask / Oxygen Mask後,2滴維他命C serum + 4泵Nourishing Essence + 1滴B5 serum,全部溝埋一齊按摩搽面,之後2滴Nano C + Ceramides Extreme Repair,同時會溝埋Miracle Oil一齊用,之後舒服地ZZZzz去~
- - -After cleansing, toning, and using INUF B5 Balancing Serum, blend 1-2 drops into any INUF moisturizer and mix well, then smooth onto skin in an upward circular motion until fully absorbed. Followed by INUF Sunscreens in daytime.
於潔面、平衡液、及使用INUF B5精華後,將1至2滴加入任何INUF鎖水產品,調配均勻然後以向上打圈手勢塗上皮膚,並於日間使用INUF防曬。
*For sensitive and acne skins, please refrain from using product.
*Not suitable for pregnant and nursing women.
For external use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Store away from heat and light. Conduct sensitive skin test before use. In the unlikely event of sensitivity, rinse off and consult a physician. During breastfeeding, consult your physician before use. Once opened, best used within 6 months.